
All information provided on this website is made freely accessible.

The authors take, however, no responsibility for any legal, economic or agricultural consequences by consequent actions or decisions made from using any of the products or information sources provided here.

The user is solely responsible for the scientific interpretation or any regulatory decision derived from information provided here.

It is recommended that the user seeks a professional identification confirmation should there be any far-reaching decisions depending from identifications made by any of the tools provided here.

The plant species listed in the host table provided within each fact sheet are general records based on information from either collection specimens (reared specimens with identification confirmed) or literature references (reared species with identification not confirmed). These listed plant species should not be considered natural hosts as defined in the International Standard for Phytosanitary Measures (ISPM) 37 of the International Plant Protection Convention. Assignment of particular host status should follow the guidelines provided in ISPM 37.