Insect Service and Biodiversity in Agroecological Farming
ISeBAF, BRAIN-be 2.0, 2020 – 2024
Massi Virgilio, Nele Mullens, Lore Esselens (RMCA) participated to a mission of two weeks (2-16 October 2022) to the Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA, Morogoro Tanzania) in the framework of the projects ISeBAF (BRAIN-be 2020-2024) and AGROVEG (RAAC 2019-2023).
The main objective of this mission was to participate to the field activities planned for the second ISeBAF/AGROVEG sampling season 2022 and to provide support to sampling and data analysis of the ISeBAF/AGROVEG students.
Below, the two ISeBAF PhD students from the Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA), Jacqueline Bakengesa and Sija Kabota, were hosted at RMCA for three weeks between 23/10 and 12/11 for a training on the analysis of ecological data and on wet-lab pipelines for plant barcoding and pollen metabarcoding. After visiting RMCA, Jacqueline and Sija proceeded to Sydney for the 11th International Symposium on Fruit Flies of Economic Importance (ISFFEI, 13-8/11/2022). On the 21st November Sija and Jackie safely returned to Tanzania after a round trip Morogoro – Tervuren – Sydney of approximately 48,000 km.