Plant Health Plenary Meeting at EFSA - 31/1-2/2-2024

Partners of the FF-IPM consortium and EFSA representatives in front of the EFSA headquarters in Parma, Italy.

The achievements of the EU funded project FF-IPM were presented at the headquarters of the EFSA (European Food Safety Authority) in Parma, Italy. Marc De Meyer gave a lecture on the morphological and molecular identification tools developed by our team members in collaboration with partners from Stellenbosch University (South Africa), CIRAD (La RĂ©union) and the Chinese Agricultural University of Beijing (China). This was followed by a practical course for about 20 delegates of the EFSA, the local Italian Plant Protection Agency and students of the University of Bologna. Marc was accompanied by two other colleagues of the consortium: Professor Nikos Papadopoulos (University of Thessaly, Greece), the main coordinator and Professor Andrea Sciaretta (University of Molise, Italy), co-developer of the electronic fruit fly trap. These presentations took place during the 119th Plant Health Plenary Meeting hence providing an excellent forum to demonstrate the products and developed tools of the project to several EU representatives.


Partners of the FF-IPM consortium and EFSA representatives in front of the EFSA headquarters in Parma, Italy.
Partners of the FF-IPM consortium and EFSA representatives in front of the EFSA headquarters in Parma, Italy.
Marc De Meyer demonstrating the use of the mobile application to identify fruit flies of economic importance to the EU to delegates of EFSA and students.
Marc De Meyer demonstrating the use of the mobile application to identify fruit flies of economic importance to the EU to delegates of EFSA and students.


Andrea Sciaretta presenting the functioning of the electronic fruit fly trap (shown in the foreground) to physical and virtual audience during the 119th Plant Health Plenary Meeting at EFSA.
Andrea Sciaretta presenting the functioning of the electronic fruit fly trap (shown in the foreground) to physical and virtual audience during the 119th Plant Health Plenary Meeting at EFSA.